Monday, February 16, 2015

Address: Akhaura Road, Agartala

City: Agartala

State: Tripura
Pay Scale: Rs.13,575-37,000/-, PB-4 with Grade Pay of Rs.3,700/- per month.
Tripura Public Service CommissionQualifications: (i) A Medical qualification included in the First or Second schedule or Part-II of the Third schedule (other than Licentiate qualification) to the Indian Medical Council Act, 1956. Holders of educational qualifications included in part-II of the Third Schedule should fulfill the conditions stipulated in section 13(3) of the Indian Medical Council Act, 1956. (ii) 2(two) years experience as House Surgeon or in Private Practice or in Public Health Medical Licentiates who have already 2(two) years experience in the service/ private practice prior to their obtaining basic medical qualification may be deemed to have fulfilled the necessary 2(two) years experience. (Qualification relaxable at Commission’s discretion in case of candidates otherwise well qualified) OR After completion of F.R.C.A. course for 1(one) year. (iii) Licentiate officers who have 8(eight) years of standing in profession.

Scientific Officer

Pay Scale:Rs.9,570-30,000/-, PB-3 with Grade Pay of Rs.3,500/- per month.
Educational Requirements:At least Bachelor’s Degree in Science with Honours in Chemistry.

No of Post: 350/03
How To Apply: Application in the prescribed form duly filled in by the candidate and 2(two) copies of recent stamp size photographs of the candidate affixed on the Application and Admit Card along with the copies of self attested certificates, self addressed envelope bearing postage stamp of Rs. 5/= (rupees five) is to be submitted to the Reception Counter of the TPSC Secretariat by 5.00 PM of the closing date (28.02.2015). Applicants may obtain the acknowledgement including Receipt Number from reception counter of the Commission.
Last Date: 28.02.2015
Age Limit: Up to 40 years as on 28-02-2015


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