Name & No of Posts:-
Age (for all posts):-18 to 40 years as on 25-05-2015.
Upper Age-limit is relax able by 5(five) years in case of SC, ST, Differently abled (PH) candidates and Government Servants, provided that the Govt. servants of SC/ST/ Differently abled (PH) category shall not get this relaxation over and above the general relaxation of 5 (five) years available to them.
Selection Process :
The Recruitment process will comprise of three successive stages viz.
(i) Preliminary Examination of 100 marks (Multiple Choice Type Test),
(ii) Main Examination of 200 Marks (Conventional Type Test) and
(iii) Personality Test of 50 Marks
The Preliminary Examination will be a Screening Test for selection of candidates for admission to the Main Examination. Marks obtained by the candidates in the Main Examination & Personality Test will be taken into account for the purpose of determining the final merit list. [Candidates may download Guidelines containing Syllabus and other relevant details for the Tripura Combined Competitive Examination for Recruitment to Miscellaneous posts from the Website]
Important information:-
i) Some posts of above mentioned categories/other categories coming under the purview of “Tripura Combined Competitive Examination for Recruitment to Miscellaneous posts” will be included in the ongoing recruitment process if requisition from the Government reaches to the Commission before the Preliminary Examination.
ii) Choice of Center: The Commission will conduct Preliminary Examination in 03(three) different Centers viz. (i) Agartala, (ii) Kailashahar & (iii) Udaipur. The intending candidates will have to write name of any one center among the three at Coloumn-17 (Choice of Center) of the prescribed Application Form. There will be no examination center outside of the State. If a candidate does not mention name of center in his/her Application Form the Commission at its discretion will allot a center from any of the listed centers. The Commission also reserves the right to change the Center as opted by the Candidate(s), if considered necessary.
Click Here For TPSC(CCE) Recruitment Notification.