Railway Police Force Recruitment 2015
Aspirants may find the whole information related to Railway Police Force Recruitment 2015 such as posts name, required education and selection procedure etc, which is settled below in the page bharatrecruitment.com.
Vacancies Details:
- Constable Posts For Men: 13000
- Constable Posts For Women: 4000
Required Qualification:
The applicants, who are going to apply for the said positions at Railway Police Force Vacancy, should have passed the senior secondary (12th) Standards or its equivalent qualification with 50% marks from the recognized boards or institutions.
Age Limitations:
- The minimum age of the aspirants should be 18 and maximum is 25 years.
- Relaxation in age will be provided to the reserved candidates as per the organization norms.
Salary Details:
Selected job seekers for the constable posts will receive the remunerations of Rs. 5200 – 20200/- plus grade pay of Rs. 2000/- per month by the organization.
Selection Process:
The applier’s will be getting selected on the basis of exam and their performance in personal interview.
How to Apply?
- The job fighters will have to log on the Official website that iswww.indianrailways.gov.in.
- Then, select the ‘News & Recruitment’ section from the menu bar.
- And choose the appropriate job link from this section and hit on the ‘Apply Now’ link.
- Now, appliers must fill the online application form with entire details.
- Upload the scanned images of their documents (if necessary) and submit it.
- Get the printout of application form and keep it safe until the recruitment process will not over.
Important Dates:
Last Date To Apply Online: 31st March 2015
You may visit the Official Website to know more.
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